Monday, April 11, 2011

FInd Your Voice (Or In This Case, Your Howl).

Individuality is crucial to finding our creativity. Jonathon Flaum reasserts this in his article, Find Your Howl. He shares two stories throughout the article in order to specify how important it is to find our inner voice. One of the stories talked about how his devilish fifth grade teacher assigned the class a five page paper on a topic of their choosing. One of Flaum's classmates, Nick Thompson, chose to write his essay about a captive tiger at a zoo who longed for his freedom. Each time that the tiger would try to escape with all of his might, he would wake up in a different cage at another zoo. The theme of this story repeated throughout Thompson's entire essay and the fiendish teacher ended up adoring his work. Although the story may seem cruel on the surface, he moral of the fifth grader's story is universal and rings true for all people; we are prisoners of our own anxieties, fears and our culture all play a part in constructing our own cage. We must learn to break away from these forces holding us back from our artistic potential and face the factors that are disabling us to use our utmost strength.

For this exercise, I expressed my inner "howl" by singing and playing a small excerpt on my Epiphone SG guitar of My Chemical Romance's song, "Summertime". I encourage you to find your inner passion and break free of all of the obstacles that are detrimental to your creative self.

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