Saturday, April 16, 2011

Music Cover Madness: Nine Inch Nails vs. Johnny Cash.

My all-time favorite cover from a musical artist or band is Johnny Cash’s rendition of the song "Hurt" from industrial rock act, Nine Inch Nails. Both Nine Inch Nails and Johnny Cash are two of my favorite musicians; Johnny Cash for his innovative place in the rebellious history of rock n’ roll and Nine Inch Nails for their ability to push musical limitations between hardcore rock and electronica while packing an angsty punch. When Cash’s heartfelt gritty country rock passion is infused with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nail’s fury, a beautiful musical composition is birthed. Before analyzing NIN’s original song and comparing it with Cash’s ingenious rendition, check out the two variations of “Hurt” below and brace yourself for an epic battle of "whodunitbetter". Let the battle BEGIN!
Ding Ding!


Every battle has a beginning, so let us commence with the original version of the track as created by Trent Reznor and the gang. The eerie lyrics suggest an inner turmoil and self-loathing. The beginning of the piece is delayed for a few seconds until it starts with Reznor proclaiming, “I hurt myself today/To see if I still feel/I focus on the pain/The only thing that’s real.” Reznor whispers the lyrics during the verses and then shouts in the chorus with despair: “You can have it all/My empire of dirt/I will let you down/I will make you hurt.” The haunting melody of the song has an andante tempo with an undertone of a heavily distorted electric guitar being picked slowly and steadily. The repetitive melody remains constant throughout the verses but then suddenly takes a heavy turn during the chorus while Reznor yells in frustration. The timbre of Reznor’s voice as well as the volume of the guitar varies as the chorus progresses. The speed and intensity escalates through the heavy pounding distortion of a gritty guitar riff and the guitarist’s speed takes the listener on a rollercoaster ride through Reznor’s personal hell.
Now let us transition into the cover of Reznor’s personal song as performed by the legendary Johnny Cash. Cash’s version can be portrayed differently than Reznor’s because Cash takes the meaning to the next level and adds a religious aspect to the song in order to reveal to the audience how drug abuse can lead to demise. Although the majority of the lyrics stay true to the original piece, Cash changes one part of the lyrics to “I wear this crown of thorns” while Reznor sings “I wear this crown of s**t”. The melody is similarly haunting and although it also contains an electric guitar as NIN’s piece, the distortion is set to clean and is more melodic than the original. The tempo is also set at andante speed that adds to the contemplative tone of regret that Cash exaggerates in his version. As the chorus kicks in, so do the guitars as they switch tempo to a moderato speed. Cash’s vocal performance is distinctively grittier and heavy than Reznor’s, providing the track with a different aesthetic.
And now lies the ultimate question of which contender dominates this epic battle of survival of the fittest, “Hurt” edition. Still stumped? I will let you in on my answer to this challenge: Johnny Cash. Although I love Nine Inch Nails and credit them with the originality of the song, I honestly feel that Cash brought more pain and suffering to the song, especially through the addition of the religious symbolism that he manipulated in the lyrics. I believe that although Reznor’s original evoked his own sense of struggle, Johnny Cash’s representation was a more universal one. Whenever I listen to this rendition, I feel as though Mr. Cash himself is speaking to me because of his ability to develop a strong connection with his audience. I admire Cash greatly and respect him for making ingenious musical risks to push the limits. This is a phenomenal example of Cash’s courage to perform a cover by a hardcore band and put his own spin on it with his unconventional country-rock roots. I highly recommend watching Cash’s music video to “Hurt” as it is his last and extremely powerful in performance. Keep in mind that the performer refused to wear any makeup or alter his appearance for the video in order to show his ill health and prove a point about drug addiction. (Johnny Cash's "Hurt").

Also, HERE is a link to an article about Reznor’s own opinion on Cash’s spin on his personal creation.

So, which version do you prefer?


  1. Capri, as you know I enjoy both of these songs immensely. I think your analysis was spot on. I like the fact that you found that the two versions of the same song had different inner-meanings. Johnny Cash is a musical god... So I have to say I prefer his version as well.

  2. Song choice FTW. Seriously.

    And a great blog too. I agree that Cash's version brings a better sense of pain to the song. Very well written.
